itermic Adaptor Modules and Fans

itermic adaptor module and tangential fans

Energy efficiency is one of the current issues of the housing and communal sector and that is why the ability to regulate room heat emission considerably reduces running energy costs. At present hydronic convectors often have installed thermostats and controllers which enable required temperature control. This is more significant for spacious areas such as industrial or administrative buildings. The entire heating system is controlled and regulated through thermostatic equipment, which is installed on the collector's valve and responds to changes in the ambient temperature.

It has been scientifically proven that such equipment pays off in 1-2 years leading to energy and cost savings, as the heat supply is performed automatically depending on heat consumption amount and weather conditions. As the ambient temperature fluctuates thermostat sensеs the change and the contact is made or broken. Such units maintain fixed temperature +/- 1 degree C accuracy. Installing a thermal regulator enables to maintain low temperature when you are out or at night hours (thus reducing unnecessary heat consumption) and then quickly reach comfortable living environment upon necessity. This helps to reduce running heating costs up to 20%.

To optimize heat supply it is also possible to set an interrupted heating mode in public, industrial or administrative areas which helps to save 20-35% heating energy per year. Besides automated hydronic heating system ensures reducing the amount of damaging carbon emission into the atmosphere.

Heating modes are regulated by valves which are installed on risers and the system's horizontal parts. They provide effective heat distribution in every room and help to avoid excessive noise of thermal regulators. The regulator's valve closes when the ambient temperature exceeds the pre-set point by 1-2 degrees C. Thermostats can be controlled remotely and set temperature within 10-20 degrees.